Lien Withdrawal
There are rare occasions when obtaining an outright release of the entire Federal tax lien is actually the best way to progress towards a resolution of your tax liabilities. If a case can be made that the withdrawal of the lien will facilitate payment of the tax liability, or is otherwise in the best interest of both the taxpayer and the government, then the government may be open to this.
Another case where a lien withdrawal can be applied for is when you have entered into an Installment Agreement to pay the back taxes and the agreement did not mandate that a lien be filed, particularly a payment plan where the payments are directly withdrawn from your bank account and the Total amount due in taxes plus additions to tax is currently under $25,000.00. In these cases, you can often get the lien released as long as you are current with your payments and other tax obligations.
As part of the IRS Fresh Start Initiative launched in March 2012, the IRS will permit individuals that are on Direct Debit Installment Agreements to have their lien withdrawn completely if you owe $25,000.00 or less, without having to prove that the lien is causing any sort of hardship. You must have an installment agreement established that will fully pay the tax liability within the Collection Statute Expiration Dates, Have the payment agreement set up to be directly debited from your checking account, must not have previously defaulted on another installment agreement to the Internal Revenue Services, and must have made 3 or more payments through the Direct Debit Installment Agreement.
Our Tax Professionals have resolved tax issues for thousands of clients. Prodigy has the experience to resolve almost any IRS problem. Every situation is unique, but our goal is always the same: To provide you with the best financial outcome allowed by law. Our staff will keep you informed and empowered throughout the entire process. Contact Us Today for a New Perspective on IRS Tax Relief. Our passion and dedication to Customer Service is at the heart of our mission. We Handle the Time and The Trouble that is Dealing with the IRS.
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