Are You Being Audited?
If you receive a letter in the mail informing you that you are being audited – don’t panic. We Can Help. The most important thig you can do is be proactive. Contact Us right away so we can begin gathering the documents and forms the Revenue Agent will be requesting. That’s the funny thing about Audits. They are rarely performed by “Auditors”. They are performed by “Revenue Agents”. IRS Employees trained to find more money out of your pocket by analyzing your tax returns.
The IRS leaves no stone unturned in its mission to determine the “accuracy” of your tax return and how much more Revenue they can generate by adjusting your figures. If it was just about accuracy and compliance it would be the Internal Tax Board, not the Revenue Service. If you don’t comply with the Auditors’ demands, the IRS will recalculate your tax and send you home with a hefty tax bill as your parting gift. As well as a ton of Penalties and Interest. You are most certainly at a disadvantage.
Some taxpayers decide to handle a tax audit themselves in an attempt to save money. Unfortunately sometimes you get what you pay for and the IRS will thank you with a substantial bill for a significant tax deficiency. You have the Right to be Represented before the Internal Revenue Service. Never is this more important than during an Audit. IRS Revenue Agents are trained to extract more information from you than you have a legal obligation to provide. IRS Revenue know that most people fear them and are ignorant of their rights. As a result, they know they can use that fear and ignorance to their advantage. Hire an Experienced Enrolled Agent. Rarely do our clients even have to talk with the IRS. We handle the time and trouble that is dealing with the IRS. We handle the contact and communication throughout the Audit process so that you need not take time away from your family, your business or your job to handle the bureaucracy and paperwork of the IRS. No lost wages or business. You simply forward notification of an audit to us and we handle it from A to Z.
If you’ve received an audit notice from the IRS, Click Here To Contact Us Right Away or call (844)208-7408.
We Are Here To Help!